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3 or 6 months



What if I told you that your physical, mental, emotional symptoms and patterns are all deeply connected.


as above, so below.

so within, so without 


Through my quantum-based work, we will start to identify the root-cause of your symptoms and patterns


You will learn to work with the intelligence of your body and symptoms, tune into the consciousness of various pathogens, viruses and mycotoxins. 


Together, we'll work on clearing ancestral, generational or karmic patterns so you can experience your highest timeline. 


Are you ready?


MY 1:1 VIP containers INCLUDE:

- Somatic Work

- Holistic Health Coaching
- Custom Detox Protocols

- Liver, Colon, Heavy Metal Cleanses
- Quantum Healing

- Neo Emotional Release 

- Psychic Development

- IFS (Internal Family Systems)

- Applied Kinesiology
- Subconscious Rewiring

​- Breathwork and Meditation

- Working with your Guides 
- Body Image & Eating Disorder healing
- Feminine Masculine Balancing

- Plant Medicine Integration


& other Realignment Protocols where necessary.

WHAT you'll DO:


drainage pathways, intestines, liver, blood and lymph, parasites, heavy metals, stuck emotions, negative self-talk, binge-restrict cycles


  • You will go through a comprehensive personalized protocol so that you can strip your body from physical, emotional and energetic blocks

  • Open up your drainage pathways so your body can start detoxing on a day-to-day basis and doesn’t get overwhelmed with the daily toxic burden.

  • Develop a deep sense of trust within yourself so that you can sense what works for your body and what doesn’t, and don’t need to get confused by conflicting information in the diet industry


to your intuition, your food, self-love, your body, a higher power..


  • Assess and reprogram subconscious beliefs through questioning, chakra work, affirmations, and visualizations so you can feel confident and empowered

  • Learn to tune into the consciousness of various pathogens, viruses and mycotoxins and what they're here to teach you

  • Claim your value and worthiness so that you become a magnet to everything you desire and attract more health, wealth and abundance


your body, mind, relationship to food and the world 


  • Heal your relationship with food, so that you have more time to enjoy life and be present in private and social settings

  • Using a root-cause approach, you will cultivate a deeper connection to your body and emotions so you can understand the deeper meaning of your physical symptoms and learn how to heal 

  • Start supporting your gut, liver and other organs which are at the root of your digestive, skin and hormonal issues so you don't always have to “manage your symptoms”

& SO MUCH MORE, love

3 or 6 month 1:1 VIP program

In this container you will have access to all my tools like intuitive hypnotherapy, somatic experiencing, psychosomatics, Neo Emotional Release, shadow work and inner child healing. These tools will help you live an aligned and grounded life, and help you recognize subconscious patterns so you can create your dream life and call in more freedom, aligned relationships and more self love.​


What's included:​

  • 3 x 50min or 2 x 75 min sessions a month

  • Tue-Fri text, voicenote, and email support

  • access to ALL my group offerings, masterclasses and courses.


What you’ll also get:​

  • Access to the REALIGNMENT program with weekly group meetings​

  • Lifetime access to the REALIGNMENT course + modules

Eva Healing
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