a detox for the mind, body and spirit
Detox your liver and intestines and heal your relationship with food
how much can you transform in 7 days? let's find out
Are you someone that is tired of quick fixes, relying on supplements and running tests? This cleanse will help you get to the root cause of your disease / fatigue and health issues by reducing the toxic load in your body.
Unlike juice cleanses, this cleanse is not depleting, but deeply nourishes your cells while being detoxing on a very deep level. ​​
Alkalizing your body and releasing toxic waste will create a physical, emotional and mental transformation
Are you ready to create space and let go of stored emotions and trauma. limiting beliefs and everything that no longer serves you?
Skin issues, acne, eczema
Inflammation, stubborn weight gain
Irregular metabolism and blood sugar levels
Digestive disorders like constipation, SIBO, diarrhea, bloating etc
Liver congestion: fatty liver, hangovers, alkalizes GI tract
the list goes on..

After guiding 80+ people through this cleanse, I recorded a mini course so you can do it at-home. This course includes:
Guided Videos: 5 videos guiding you through the whole 7-days, step-by-step
Exclusive Discounts to Products: You’ll get discount codes to the products
Personalized Nutrition Plan: Get a comprehensive list of recipes and foods you can eat during the detox to ensure the best results, and be gentle on your body.
Detailed PDF with journal practices, breathwork and meditations

What will you be releasing?
mucoid plaque
toxic bile sludge
excess cholesterol
Did you know that our bodies hold on to toxic waste that are usually at the root of our digestive, skin and hormonal issues? Releasing this will give your body space to start to heal itself.
You don’t know what is wrong with your body, but something is
You're tired of quick fixes, relying on supplements and running tests
You want to get to the root cause of your disease / fatigue / health issues
You want a cleanse that’s not depleting, but actually nourishing and supportive
You want to learn how to reconnect to your intuition
You want to heal your relationship with food

Not sure yet? Read the testimonials..
"I loved having Eva with me the first time I did a colon and liver cleanse. I don’t think I would’ve done it by myself. I felt really safe and supported throughout the process and it made the whole thing so much easier, so that I could actually use the time to relax.
The results were amazing, I felt so grounded afterwards, processed lots of emotions and let go of old patterns (wasn’t intended it just happened).
My appetite changed (no sugar cravings) and it inspired me to do a series of liver flushes, because it had that big of an impact on me and my body! Eva was recommended to me and I immediately recommended her afterwards"
"This has been a very unique and positive experience for me. I felt a lot of growth and transformation during the Zencleanz- physically and emotionally. I’ve always wanted to take my health journey to the next level and heal some underlying issues with my gut. The words “cleanse” and “detox” has always seemed super intimidating to me. I never felt like I was able to successfully complete one, but Eva comforted me through the journey and brought in self-love and nourishment. These cleanses have ultimately gotten me to a place of more intuitive eating patterns verses emotional.
The process has overall been super energizing. I feel like it cleared a ton of toxins in my body that were causing this dullness in my complexion and mood. I have way less inflammation and can see my muscles finally peaking through.
- Ashley McIlroy
Eva guided me through an Enzyme cleanse which has literally changed my life in the most amazing ways. There is zero chance I would have been able to move through the cleanse with so much grace if Eva weren’t there to coach me and hold me through the hard moments. During the cleanse, I released SO much mentally, physically & emotionally, creating space for so much for love, joy & abundance to enter my life.
With all of this to say, working with Eva has shifted so much for me in many different areas of my life, and I can truly say that I have never felt more healthy or abundant. I am so grateful for Eva’s presence and guidance in my life and if you are looking to increase your health emotionally, spiritually, mentally & physically, then Eva is the way to go. <3
-Nicole Zimmermann
Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider before starting any program. Results vary by individual. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not a substitute for medical treatment.